I reviewed volume 1 already. To recap, that was the basic how to guide. How to sleeve basic shapes,
hybrid shapes, requirements etc. On the second installment to his DVD, Rocco teaches perfection of
Rocco is a true master at sleeving, AND sleight of hand in general. It was great
to see what he can sleeve and how he sleeves. But the real greatness was finding out how to make
your sleeving BETTER. It's not a guide now. It's the real stuff!
After that, Rocco goes to
the unthinkable, and teaches his full FISM act. He had a special clear jacket manufactured so you
can see where everything is, and when it's sleeved as well as recovered. It was very cool to see him
actually sleeve real time and what happens. Not too many people go to these heights
I don't
suggest this DVD until after you learn what's on volume 1. The reason being is that Rocco doesn't
use the whole basic sleeving system. He uses his own ideas and subtelties to make them better. So
unless you know exactly everything about sleeving, start with 1, then get this.