This DVD Tutorial is... eh... let's say it could be better.
Tyas really doesn't give you the
"umph" you get from other video's like Fushigi.
Tyas seems a bit stiff working with the Acrylic
Ball, like he learned it maybe a year ago, less fluid than those with more time under their belt.
Don't get me wrong, he's very talented, but it doesn't seem fluid (like Michael Motion from
Labyrinth) and he seems distracted throughout the instructions.
Otherwise it's ok, I gave it 2
stars due to the fact that he seemed to be pressed for time instead of taking the time and care to
teach you how to Contact Juggle; pretty much you do not learn "fundamentals" or get any kind of
assistance (you will struggle, it takes lots of practice... I recommend getting hand and wrist
strenghteners prior to its arrival) with the basics nor the advancement. This just seemed like a
"look what I can do" video and if you just keep practicing it'll work for you too!
If he was
more in depth with ideas and ways to make the basics easier to learn and showed more attention to
those buying the video instead of constantly glancing off and smiling at someone or blowing off the
precision of moves by saying "if you practice you'll get it" I might have learned more and
understood the mechanics.
This is decent if you're wanting to see how it's done, or you could
just put Labyrinth in slow mo on the Michael Motion parts and pretty much get the same instruction.