8 years ago I decided to get into magic and while on Penguinmagic I was lucky enough to pick 'On the
Spot" for one of my selections. I now own Hundy 500,Pointless, Chip on Shoulder and Exact
Change.....why? Because his magic works and works great! He takes everyday objects and turns them
into magic.
I seen Gregory when he came to Jacksonville and lectured for our local club last
year and I thought that was outstanding, but he took this lecture to even a higher level. If you
want to learn from a creative mind that uses a detailed thinking process when creating his magic and
the workings, then don't miss this one! You will learn some great effects that are easy to carry
around on you and you will learn a thing or two about timing and pulling off a move during that "off
beat moment". Great lecture, thanks Gregory and Penguin!