Well, I had high expectations for this book but ended up very disappointed.
First I will
list the pros vs other books: the illustrations are laid out nice showing spectator views as well as
your veiw.
Other than the fact that I liked the general layout there was nothing
interesting to be found. This had to be the most boring book that I own, I was not inspired at all.
I purchased this because it was supposed to be different , revolutionary, inspiring and fresh! I
really feel awful for buying this book but as I have read many others loved it. It's not a beginners
book but it is full of stuff that you probably know as far as sleights go and there is no real
improvement on anything. There are a ton of credits which is why most of us already know the
sleights. As for fresh patter goes it is just cheesy, I really wish I could find another positive
thing to say about this but I cannot.