I just purchased Bill Abbott's "Stabbed and Shot," which reminded me that I never reviewed this one.
I was sorry to see that this has been discontinued and hope that it is re-issued soon, as it's a
great effect.
Just about every audience has seen the usual card trick where an audience
member picks a card and the magician finds it in any number of ways. What makes this unique is that
it's the magician who picks the card and the audience member who finds it. (Watch the demo and
you'll see what I mean.)
Except for one small, easy (and I do mean easy) move, the trick is
hands-off for the magician, and the audience member does all the work. I even took the audience
member's seat and said that it was my magician's union break, while the audience member went through
the motions. The audience loved it.
I'll let you know about Stabbed and Shot when I've had
a chance to audience-test it. But since it's a Bill Abbott effect, I have no reason to doubt it's
creativity and quality.