Hey Penguin you need a thumbs in the middle choices not just thumbs up and thumbs down.
This DVD
series ia a good value for the price. Although this one is a bit of mish mosh from other tapes and
even a convention.
There are 27 chapters in the 25 Super Tricks but not that many tricks
taught. There are some interesting sections showing various types of gimmicks and some
demonstrations of some effects,some might not even be available today. For example He demonstrates
his Nudist Deck routine without going into the handling but explains other marketed decks. He
demonstrates a thimble routine and that is not explained but it is listed as one of the 25 super
However I was able to find one or two effects or moves I did not know So for the
price paid I got the value. I will not mention the ones I liked since I do not want everyone doing
them. The one benefit of Patrick Pages material is that it is achievable with some practice. You
will enjoy watching how smooth he is and even a seasoned pro can miss the method on first watch.
Funny Business- This material is a bit dated. Some advice would not fly very far today
like mimicking a child behind his back or hitting a kid with a balloon on his head. If you do not
know any slapstick gags you will find some useful information. While Page is correct, letting a
balloon smack you in the face or snap your hand while screaming in pain will get little kids to
laugh, I think we have advanced to a level not to depend on cheap laughs.
It would be nice
if L&L would remaster these to a better quality. It appears L&L just took VHS tapes and copied them
to DVD rather than get the original footage.