As a number of cardmen have commented, a poker demo should resemble the real thing. For example, you
should never say a royal flush in spades is the highest possible hand because there is no suit order
in poker. Psi Poker does not by any stretch of the imagination resemble a hold-em poker game, and
the rules of this game are too well known for a performer to assert that it does. (1) The spectator
is instructed to deal two cards to himself and two to the performer, rather than alternating cards.
(2) Half the time you have to burn cards before the hand begins. (3) There are no burn cards between
the flop, turn, and river, contrary to the standard rules of hold-em. (4) The patter says "I won by
one point." I've played a lot of poker and I've never heard anyone use that term. In fact, in the
sample hand the performer gets a King and there is a queen on the board. That hardly counts as
winning by one anyway, since both players use the queen. I can't imagine anyone performing this
without inducing laughter. As for the shuffled deck referred to in the writeup, it's a false shuffle
by the performer before the deck is handed out.