I have been looking for a version of 3 Fly that uses different coins but isn't really a knuckle
buster. This is definitely that. Although it does have it's own short comings it would be a great
3 fly routine for the beginner coin enthusiast. My real problem with version of 3 Fly is that it is
a bit to short for my taste. While it does what you want a coins across routine to do it just does
not have quite enough impact or WTF factor that I am looking for. Granted, I was looking for
something that did not require a great deal of sleight of hand technique...I was hoping for a bit
more WOW factor. That being said, this is a good solid 3 Fly routine with 3 different coins of
color and that is a rarity. This is certainly worth a look. Have fun. Oh, and yes you will have
to PRACTICE. It is the nature of our Art.