so bassicly i bought this from my magic store about a week or two ago and heres how i feel about it:
how easy is it to bend coins: its easy to bend american and canadien pennie, but when it comes to
quarters it will take more practice and if your a teenager it wont be too easy to bend
quarters.handlings of the gimick: handling the gimick looks unatural which is another big problem,
the gimick is a bit longer than your finger but just gonna say that handling looks bad!!
how clean is it? well you can ditch the gimmick in your pockets. or you can have it pulled up your
sleeve with a device which IMO is alot cleaner but less practicle.
summary:the gimick
will last almost a year if you treat it well,cand for the angles you just have to make sure noeone
is behind you. please dont buy it, youll end up regreting.instead of buying get another coin bend or
get a scotch and soda.