Case is beatyfully embossed.
Looks like you only buy/use class cards.
These are Just that,
classey !!
If you've had trouble fanning before, try these. I found that they 'do it for
They may be a bit slippery for XCM stuff, if you just started handling cards.
They are
super slippery, smoother than butter, I think.
'Love them. great value. They easily compare with
and beat most of the so called 'best'
Well done guys !!
Its worth getting two or more. Say,
- one for Faro handling,
One for knuckle busters. One for your general Card Work. (If you've
grown stale/bored with your XCM - these will challenge your 'feel' for cards. As said, these are
slippery !! They look really good. Handle well. - I love them !!