I really like it. I have several half dollar gimmicked coins and just love adding this to any
variety of routines.
Suggestion For Zombie: When you put the lighter back in your pocket
after finishing the routine, switch the gimmicked coin back for the normal coin. Come out with the
normal coin and wait for them to ask to see it (If they don't ask, don't show). If they ask, play
with them a bit. Tell them you can't show it to them just yet. Hold it out in your clenched fist.
Make them wait. then ask them to hold out their hand, drop the regular coin in their hand and
reveal your hands empty. BTW, another way is to ditch the gimmick coin with a a piece of double
sided tape on the underside of your forearm, about two inches away from your elbow. Pretend to pass
the coin from one hand to the other and hold your arm. As you do, stick the coin to the tape.
Reveal each hand one at a time. You can show the top and bottom of your hands and the coin can't be
seen. Use this method to make the coin "melt away" entirely. Have fun!