The package came and I was readily expecting one of the effects, as another reviewer mentioned it.
The other effect was a pleasant surprise, but I have yet been able to perform with it because the
non-gimmick counterparts cannot be found except online, and in large quantities (though I would only
need to spend about $12-18 to have a year's supply - think fresh breath).
I also received
downloads in MyPenguinMagic to learn a few other effects. I wasn't sure if this was supposed to
happen. Also, because another reviewer mentioned receiving one of the effects in his box (I did not
receive that one in the box), but I did receive the download for it, I wondered if I was not given
an item, but remain unsure.
Either way, this was a great price for the effects I received,
even if I never use them (I probably won't use the Dom effect, but I may change my mind in time).