Every time I watch the demo of this effect, I think this is hands down one of the coolest effects
I've ever seen with cards. Unfortunately, the deck is collecting dust on my shelf because of all its
flaws. For starters, when anyone buys a magic trick, the first thing you can't wait to do is unpack
it and try it out. So I hate... did I mention HATE? ... any trick where you have to spend the next
hour creating your own gimmick after seeking out arts & crafts utensils to do so. Geez, at least
give us the option to spend a little more money for the effect with the gimmick included. I would
gladly pay more for a working routine. It's like buying a new car and then finding an instruction
manual upon receipt on how to build a key so you can drive it! Ok, enough about this gripe.
The more legitimate downside to this trick is in its flaws. It is very angle sensitive,
obviously can't be examined before or afterwards, and requires tons of practice to get it right.
They say practice makes perfect. Well if this is true and you're willing to put in the time to build
the gimmick and perfect the routine, you will admittedly have a incredible gem in your act because I
can assure you that there won't be many other magicians out there doing this for all the reasons I
already mentioned.