After reading the positive reviews, I was surprised to receive an overpriced, ho-hum product. The
leather is very stiff and there is no easy way for a spectator to keep the pad open and write
without a good chance of exposing the gaff. Also, when the pad is closed it does make an audible
"whap" and the idea of having a spectator toss it to someone else after the switch is made is
ludicrous. The comments about "audience management" are absurd because you want people to handle the
pad casually and the performer shouldn't have to focus on controlling the process, which is what the
product description promised you wouldn't have to do. I've performed magic and mentalism
professionally since the late 90s and I've always used a simple spiral bound notebook to switch
numbers, etc., which never fails. Why I thought the Add-A-Pad would be an improvement now eludes me.
As always, buyer beware.