This is a really cool eBook. There are a lot of great and practical methods in here for some really
solid card magic. The methods are not difficult but you should go into the book with basic card
I didn't find a lot of vague explanation BUT with any book sometimes the "what
the spectator sees" never reads as well as the effect REALLY is. When I first read a couple effects
I said "meh" but after playing with them I was really happy with how they came out.
really enjoy how there are suggested sets in here as well. I think that is an excellent idea and
more magic authors should give it a try. Not because we should follow the sets as written but
sometimes we are unsure of how to arrange the effects in question. Like "does the author think this
is a closer or opener?" or "How would the author routine something like this??" often questions I
think about when reading something produced.
Overall it's worth the money an a great
addition. I'll be performing Pokerface for sure (little tip: switch the aces for blank cards).