I agree with the previous review. If you like the material of Darwin Ortiz or Michael Vincent, then
you will really like this. Although some of the material is difficult and requires advanced card
skills, much of it is of an intermediate skill level. There is some really great thinking behind
these effects. I particularly like the clean up that occurs in The Ultimate Exchange. Using the
In-Transit theory and an offbeat moment, he manages to end clean. Did I mention that the magic is
STRONG? I noticed immediately that his delivery and vocal mannerisms were exactly like Darwin Ortiz.
This is not a criticism. We all adopt vocal mannerisms from the people around us, especially our
parents, teachers and friends. Darwin Ortiz has been his tutor for 11 years, so this should not be
a surprise. I only mention it because it jumped out at me immediately. Besides, Ortiz is one of the
greats. His style fits this type of magic. Please don't ignore this book because you haven't heard
of his name before. If you are a card guy, You should have this. If you enjoy outstanding thinking
behind the methods, and strong magic, you will want this. Lastly, a DVD is included with the book
containing 5 performances. The looks of absolute amazement on the spectators is testimony to the
strength of these effects. There are moments when their reactions reveal the power of the material.
The spectators are not only dumbfounded, there is almost a look of fear in their eyes. Reality has
just been compromised!