I don't think anyone has used the WOW gimmick as much as I have. I absolutely love the WOW gimmick
and it gets some of the best reactions of anything that I do. So when I saw that a wallet released
that made this gimmick logical, I jumped all over it and waited anxiously for this to arrive. I
could not be more disappointed. YES it is a fantastic idea to incorporate a wallet with this
gimmick, however, the wallet is EXTREMELY cheap! It is the most basic wallet you can imagine. I
expected a much higher quality item than what I received. Also, the way that the WOW gimmick is
designed, the card that is supposed to be revealed shows up the best when the card is slid into the
back of the gimmick itself. This is not possible when the gimmick is in the wallet, so the selected
card ends up very hard to see when the change is done.
Trust me, I sincerely wanted to
like this item because it is a perfect concept. However, no matter how much I want to like it, it is
JUST NOT WORTH $100!!! I would maybe pay $40 for this. It is such a cheap wallet, which is the
absolute most disappointing part of it all. I feel like I could make this wallet myself with any
normal wallet. I cannot express enough how cheap the wallet is. Please reconsider if you are
thinking of buying this.