This bag is a very professional-looking prop. It has a black satin-like finish that really looks
good. There is one effect included using poker chips that is a nice way to get used to using the
bag. This is a great choice for a change bag for an adult audience as the ones with the wooden
handles just seem too much like a prop. This looks more like a small pillowcase.
Unfortunately, I see no way to give this to an audience member to hold. While the magnetic
closure (it's in the description, I'm not giving anything away here) does hold well, the magnets he
chose are thick and obviously stand out on the back side. You can easily hold the bag facing the
audience so they never notice the magnets, but put this in an audience member's hands and they'll
see it straight away.
The price on this is a little high, but not too much. The switch in
this bag to the other pocket isn't too hard, but you'll have to move around to make it work. It's a
little noticeable at the top. But if you need a change bag and don't want it to look like a gimmick,
this is the way to go.