i love marc spelmann's work. i saw it and impulse bought it. that said this was a waste of money for
me. it would be good for someone that is new to mentalism. here is MY personal review on the
1. WORDS - alright book test, dont think id ever
use it. have seen methods VERY similar before.
2. GALLERY - good trick, have seen the same
method elsewhere though.
3. CALCULISM - a new method (to me) for forcing a number. would rather
use other methods and borrow a phone.
4. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE - a few classic methods in play
here. nothing new, i may give it a go.
5. CARBON - seemingly solid drawing dupe.
- this is completely out of place. have seen this on marc's other dvds. feels like complete filler
as it is in no way "Pure, no-setup mind-reading at its best"
7. TRANSMISSION - not bad. ill try
8. VOQUED - decent, nothing new.
9. DIRECTION - would never bother doing this.
overall the teaching of everything is great. if someone is looking to get into mentalism, this
would be great for them. unfortunately there is not much,if any, i will be taking away from this.
Stop searching for "new methods" and understand that just becasue the method is not NEW, it's still powerful. Its honestly not about the method, it's about the application of said method.