I have various effects where a card prediction or name etc magically appears on a business card,
playing card or card box. Well they all pale in comparison to Offset! Now it does use a card box
(which is supplied) however the secret is ingenious. Watch the video, that is how it looks, there
are no cut scenes etc or watch Craig and Dave reviews from 17 July 2014 show, it looks just like
that and is EASY!
The reactions I have gotten are golden moments. When the see the card case,
completely blank but in a blink of the eye they see their chosen card written on it, well it is
Now it is not just relegated to a card prediction, you can do a rising card
prediction, tel #, name, birthdate, it is only left to your imagination. Oh and if you like you can
erase it just as easily with a swipe of the hand!
If you want a stunning visual, truly eye
candy effect, this is it! Oh and no it looks just as good live as it does on video, so it is NOT one
of those effects! I can't recommend this more highly! You will not be disappointed and it is easy
peasy to perform!!