Even though now deceased I like Pat Page's performance persona - he is dry and wry and 'no nonsense'
while being engaging with his hands, competency and stillness of stance. I've only ever seen him
while he is relatively immobile - face-on, standing and/or sitting. As in this dvd.
Mr Page
is NOT much of a teacher: dry, unclear, brief, inpatient to proceed to the next effect and its
explanation. There is no repetition here, few demonstrations from different camera angles...Why
would there be?...it's all about stuffing small things into a thumb tip. There is an art to this
stuffing! I found it better demonstrated and explained in 'The Secrets of Thumb Tips' - World's
Greatest Magic series.
I bought this dvd to learn Page's 'Silk Vanish & Production' which
is advertised as being performed and explained on the dvd/in Penguin sale's blurb. Yet, it is
performed; yet, NOT explained. I felt cheated. I will be asking for my money back! Keep tuned!