I never really was a fan of the ashes on arm trick until now... This trick has gotten me crazy
reactions the spectators just don't know what to think it looks like real magic...the gimmicks are
very well made should last forever. It fits in your pocket so you can have it on you at all
times...you do need a special something else which everyone probably has in their own house if not
you can buy it for maybe two dollars if even that. It's super simple to do they can check out your
arm before and after which is awesome try can clearly see before that there is nothing on your arm
try can look touch it and won't find a thing. The DVD is super short but there really is nothing to
the method he just shows how to use the gimmick but it's pretty self explanatory..it's definetly
worth to own you won't be dissapointed and it closes ppl away. I would pick up a couple of one way
force decks the 10 of spades and the 4 of clubs cause otherwise evey time you get a new deck of
cards you can only performan it twice since you burn the card