I used Mystery Solved in performance for the first time on Saturday night, inspired by David and
Peter Turner to use it for a Dream Vacation prediction, as the closer to a 2-hour act, and it
brought the house down. With a handling revealed by David in an extra video he released, it was
flawless and absolutely incomprehensible to the volunteer and an audience of more than 60 who were
watching. Electrifying result, and my first standing "O"... very happy customer.
It's every
bit as good as it looks and better. David released an alternate handling filmed by another magician
that was absolutely perfect for me. I had a volunteer imagine a dream vacation, picking a place
(Egypt), an amount of money she took with her ($3,000), and a celebrity she'd seen there in a hotel
lobby (Omar Sharif), while I jotted down the details on a small pad in a notebook. Then she came to
the stage as I tore out the notebook page and handed it to her asking her to confirm the details.
Then I directed everyone's attention to a podium at the other side of the stage where there was an
upside-down wine glass with the small clear plastic box on top of it (Peter Turner's suggestion)
that had been in plain view for over an hour, and a folded note inside the box with the words "I had
a Dream..." written on the outside. I had the volunteer look closely at the box, then cup her hands,
I lifted the box with two fingers, held it over her hands, removed the lid with two fingers of the
other hand, and spilled the note out into her hands. SHE opened the note to find it said, "I had a
dream that I went on vacation in Egypt, that I took $3,000 with me, and I met Omar Sharif while I
was there." She was totally stunned, along with everyone else, including my wife!