This is now one of my favorite Penguin Lectures!I had E-Mailed Mr.Volpe before this Lecture,and let
him know of my skill level.I asked if this would work for me,and he assured me it would.He was very
generous to answer me,even though he was busy getting ready for this Lecture.I ordered this,and I am
very glad I did!He was correct about this being for me at my skill level.Each and every one of his
routines included were excellent!He spent time and gave thourough explanations on each.I liked all
of them;my favorites were The Drawing Psychometry,and The Key of Fate.He works well with the
audience,and has charisma.He treated everyone with respect.At the end,when Dan Harlan,who by the way
as always,did a great job,talked with him about other "Gems",as Dan put it,added more thought and
inspiration for my Mentalism.Well done,Mr.Volpe,Dan,and everyone at Penguin!Highly Recommended!