> CHUNK by Dalton Wayne

Wow Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on July 11th, 2015
What the F was that. I don't even know. What was I thinking. My fault for purchasing. This isn't even magical. There is nothing that he teaches you that has anything to do with anything.

No method is shown, very disappointing.

You watch the demo and think, cool maybe some construction on making it look like a real bite from an apple. There is nothing here.

No fault to Penguin. Come on Dalton, put some effort in your work man. You shouldn't use your 15 minute moment on Wizard Wars to sell a product.

For this I am going to come up with a concept and sell it for free to the people who bought your product.

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Jul 14th 2015 8:49am
Woah man. I've never seen someone so upset about a trick before. Obviously you bought it because you were interested in the method because it fooled you, now you know the secret and you're disappointed. I apologize that it is not real magic..yes it is a trick. Think about that feeling you got when you watched the trailer and how you wanted to know how it was done, that is how you will make others feel when you PERFORM it to them! Just because you know the secret now doesn't make it bad. That's what the other (5 star) reviewers understand that you dont. I highly doubt you even performed it. It fools people. Go do it. Stop being so angry and just be happy that you know something new that you didn't before. Also you said you thought there would be some construction to the trick? Did you not watch the trailer? It says 100% impromptu meaning you can do it anytime..so of course no construction would be needed Ishmael. Also when you say "there is nothing he teaches you that has anything to do with anything", you kinda fooled me with that because I have no idea what you're talking about. Did you even watch it? I promise you its more than me just staring at a camera lens for 20 plus mins.

Go perform the trick. You bought it for a reason because you had a interest in it, I promise you what you see in the video is what it looks like in real life if you actually sit down and practice the effect as I explain.

Go luck dude.

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