it is pretty cool with some non professianal tricks. steadfastits good for casual but not hard
hitting 3/5 stars . slomo sandwich its abit knaky but cool once mastered. 4/5 stars.covert wallet
cant be examined and it doesnt look natural 2/5 stars. sweet columbia easy to do and you can perform
it surrounded 4/5 stars. three in a bed it takes practise and its very strong 4/5 pure .very well
explained and not hard.just angly. 4/5 . moon shine its wierd but cool .something a magician would
show ovor a camera 5/5. spare change good for kiods but not hard hitting affect .very easy 5/5.sign
vansh surprisingly easy and fun to mess with 4/5. loophole once you master the set up knacky but
well taught.5/5