Look it is OK. It does what it says BUT it could have been so much more. The one issues I have is
yes in the presentation you use only one book due to both being ...well you can understand...but the
method is great as it is used for either book and without giving anything away each book could have
been different and of course used the similar methodology. This would have enhanced the outcome. Why
well you really cant hand out both books and if you let the spectator look at the back of both books
the method is clear. By making each book DIFFERENT both books could have been left to the spectator
to choice and have a cursory look over and each one would have been different and enhanced the fact
that none is how shall we say... gimmick. I would really like Nathan to release this again and be
able to use both books and give the spectator a choice. Nathan does give a range of ideas and if you
were to present this a number of times...walk-around etc there is a number a ways to make sure the
spectator and any onlookers who happened to have seen this just before and on a different page for a
few times. NOW I am not saying you should encourage multiple presentations BUT on a night the fact
that you could present this with a bit of fancy magicians choice type of methodology would really
prove your mind reading skills. Has potential and many magicians will find ways to improve outcomes
to their liking. Please Nathan release a version using same methodology and both books
different...RUN for one and GUN for the other OR HEN for one and PEN for the other. Those who
purchase will understand what I mean. Never the less something to work on.