I wouldn't say misrepresenting, however you don't see him walking around from a bunch of different angles with the gimmick loaded ready to go.
I agree with the comment about needing to wear baggy jeans, in fact it took me quite a while to find a pair of jeans that work just right that looked anything like something I would actually wear in a normal day situation. I was going to try and perform the trick for my friends that know I'm a magician,and they immediately called me out on my pants saying that there has to be something up with them because I would never wear something like that in a million years. Needless to say I did not perform Rise for them that day and they never got to solve the mystery of the baggy jeans lol!🎩💥ðŸ’😲
baggy jeans aside,honestly I love Rise it's a great effect a little angle sensitive but super amazing with a quality gimmick. It is most definitely a product of a great magicians hard work and effort to provide the world with some amazing magic!