It's an atypical format. They show a segment of Alexander's Magic Castle act (recorded years ago),
then discuss it, then show another segment and discuss it, and so on. It was good to learn how a
professional actor approaches magicians' material. If we are actors playing the part of a magician,
we should know more about the craft of acting. Alexander has great advice for making a presentation
more effective. That was most of the lecture. Almost all of his effects are commercially available,
so you may already have some of these already (e.g. Mental Epic), so you can use these very
practical tips in these (and any) tricks right away. The downside is that because almost all of his
effects are commercially available they couldn't disclose the secrets to any but one of them!
Nevertheless, performers can REALLY benefit from the creative and problem-solving process Alexander
reveals for improving presentations. Those who just want secret workings of tricks should look