The concerns noted in other reviews are worthy comments. It seems logical one would immediately
share back with those present, "But I saw...". One subtle way to deal with that is that the
performer can minimize the likelihood of that happening by using people who don't know each other.
Its important to remember the 'primary participant' doesn't really know what happens and it is the
immediate audience present who excitedly explain what did happen to the primary participant. Once
that's done, the performer can offer up a hearty "Thanks very much folks" and return everybody to
their separate seats. Then the worst that comes from that is, "I swear I saw'...", but nobody else
did! Beyond that, when the performer does their part with the index card, you can make it much
'bigger' which for those who understand this, can change the perception for everybody because they
see a 'large' production of the 'hallucination' and its very bold. "Nothing hidden there!" Using
audience members who will not be discussing it with each other, allows for from one 1)"I swear I
saw..." or from the other(s) 2)"There was NOTHING on the index card." In either case, its pretty
good for the right time and right place.