I just received the Invisible Card gimmick today and I right off the bat, I was somewhat
disappointed: the gimmick will have to go through a period of “use to” before I would get to a
comfortable level to handle it in close up situations. If anything at all, I would say that I would
feel very comfortable performing with little practice, if at least, I am doing it in parlor
situations, where there is a good space between me and the audience.
When I saw the
gimmick, I can see the reason why Blake Vogt’s trailer was shot in low lights and noisy environments
where the audience was a bit wound up!
The gimmick is somewhat bulky and will make a
little noise when you operate it in quiet rooms which leads me to wonder if we really need to have
all those cards in the gimmick. Maybe four or six of the “most popular selections would suffice”,
since we have so many ways to lead the volunteer to the desired card anyway. I also wonder if you
would be able to operate the gimmick with ease if you have a big thumb.
I saw a couple of
reviews here, Brian R from Alabama and JustStuff2009, favoring Joshua Jay’s Inferno over Blake
Vogt’s Invisible Card which I think are valid comparisons and fair assessments. I would even throw
in the Invisible Deck, B’wave, Colossal Blizzard in the mix for the potential buyers to check and
consider before buying the Invisible Card. Or if you have money to spend then get the Lynx Wallet
which is a 52 outs and it might just be worth it to achieve the same effect and end up cleaner as a