The people who know the value of Ross Johnson's name and wisdom on a product don't need a review to
convince them to purchase it (and they probably already own this lecture anyway).
just in case you're on the fence, know that Ross Johnson is a most trusted, well-respected
gentleman/legend in the field of mentalism; revered by the leading professional mentalists of today.
A few routines from his "Simply Psychic" DVD are on this lecture with updated
presentations. "Caffeinated Coins" is his take on "Jackpot Coins" and it's already to go at a
moments notice in my briefcase.
Add to all this the insightful, sometimes very colorful,
commentary from Dan Harlan and Michael Weber, and it's the most enjoyable, entertaining 3+ hours of
one can learn from.
Simply highly recommended and a MUST for all mentalists of any skill