I'm a purist when it comes to mentalism props and utilities. If it doesn't look ordinary or natural,
then it's going to give off a magicky vibe, and then I'm not doing mentalism; I'd be doing a magic
trick. Xpert is one of those rare things that looks exactly like what it's supposed to be. It will
arouse zero suspicion by itself, and for those unfamiliar with how it works, let me assure you that
while it is about the simplist thing possible, nobody expects it or even thinks about it. In order
words, use it effectively and spectators will go down the wrong path futilely searching for the
explanation. It will blow minds. While I'd seen this principle before, Neil brilliantly elevates it
to the stratosphere.
I work with words and my mind and don't carry around much of anything.
I do carry the Xpert. That's the highest praise I can give it.