> Thought Transmitter Pro by John Cornelius

Functional peek device gadget with a smaller angle discrepency Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on June 19th, 2016
I got this from a danish magic store few weeks ago...

It`s a James Bond gadget, but you don`t need Q to explain it, Under the rigth conditions this will do the same thing as any other peek device. What sets it apart is the method wich is based on electronics.

there is also an angle issue. Not only when you get the peek, but when you do you have to cover the sides a bit because the peek "shines" through and someone migth spot that. It also relies on the rigth ligthing conditions.

Id say using a shiner would be the most deceptive way to use this. If not i would suggest you are quick with the peek.

For mind reading i will stick with my current methods...

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