I joined the card club so I could have an automated way of getting new decks instead of having to
scour the internet to find them. It's been good for the most part, but lately I'm seeing duplicates
and I'm not a fan. Cards are not as valuable as they used to be, so keeping one unopened isn't
really a high priority for me ... and if it was, I'd rather just purchase an additional deck for my
collection. Receiving 4 decks but only 2 unique ones just doesn't fit why I signed up for the
monthly club.
On a side note, the decks are nice.
I think the new format is a step down. I rather enjoyed getting decks from different manufactures. I would be happy to see two Penguin Decks and two from other manufactures in this box. I have been a long time subscriber, so I hope the Penguin Team will keep up the high bar they have established for themselves.
Still a big fan.