For twenty dollars you get seven routines and a lot of tips and brilliant advices on classic tools
like the Brainwave and the Billet case. Some of the material has been released in the past but it
doesn't matter. For a beginner this download it's a masterpiece, for pros it's a fantastic way to
see new handling from uncle Bob and a couple of new amazing routines. In my opinion it's pure gold.
Maybe not everyone will be happy and someone will complain about the fact that some material is not
really new, but it's always the subtleties and the inspirational style of Bob that makes every
release of Bob Cassidy unmissable.
Here are all the routines:
1) White dwarf
Impromptu dictionary test
3) Billet case
4) 5 card miracle
5) Find the dead guy
6) Dead name speller
7) Psychomatic deck/variations
8) Psychopatic deck
Brainwave Deck
Buy it now. If u are not superficial (as lots of magician are,
unfortunately) you will not regret it!!!!