> Loops by Yigal Mesika

Better than Ever! Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on November 21st, 2016
I am a professional Magician and have been using invisible thread for 10 years. Loops specifically have been my favorite for their convenience and strong effects. The new Loops are even better which makes me extremely happy! The invisibility and strength is perfect and the new packaging makes it so easy to get a Loop in seconds ready to perform. The only downside is the video is really informative but too short.

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Jan 10th 2017 7:56pm
Ok,so I bought loops new generation on amazon right, and they were super visible. Are you sure there invisible? I don't wanna buy something that ends up being visible.. Because I bought mesika elastics on amazon and there actually bad. What do you think?

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Mar 09th 2017 2:22pm
I was just wondering what is the carrying case ,is it like the one from inner circle.the credit card that opens into a carrying case or is it something different

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Jun 17th 2018 5:55pm
To AdamACEmurphy, the loops case when you buy individually is a piece of thick paper with the loops wrapped around it in a way they’re easy to gain access to and then it slides back into a protective packet that can then be put anywhere a 3X5 card can go. I have the inner circle credit card like case but haven’t used it yet.

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Jun 07th 2021 12:20am
Works great with black cards. I didn't expect to get such reaction from my friends. They usually reverse engineer most of the tricks I show, but after few haunted deck demonstrations their best guess is "magnet cards" :D At first I was worried about visibility as I can clearly see the loops on my skin, but as the spectator doesn't know where to look, they haven't caught me a single time.

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