I would give this "0" stars if I could, but since "1" is the lowest I'll have to settle for that.
I didn't buy this from Penguin but my friend did. After spending a week trying and assuming he
didn't have the skills to use it, he offered to sell it to me. I was more than willing to buy it
from him but it doesn't work. I spent the last four days trying "to feel" my way around this
particular trick but have been unsuccessful. I work with my hands and I think I have the necessary
sensitivity to use this but I found it impossible. If you read positive reviews on a popular magic
forum, they are from 2008 when the locked was sourced from another supplier. The most recent
version however, is near impossible to use. I sent Paul Brook an email and a private message for
assistance (which he offered on same said forum) but got no response. There are better ways to
spend $65 and you can get basically the same information with using a center tear. It may not be as
visual but it's a lot cheaper