The coin bender gizmo is well-conceived, unfortunately, it is large. Big hands are needed for easy
concealment; smaller hands will need considerable misdirection.
The video tutorial is not
very good. The cautions on using the bender are over-done, although not entirely frivolous.
Nowhere on the DVD is there a well-lit, clearly-captured end-to-end performance. The only
end-to-end performance is poorly lit.
As for the recommended handling, it is inelegant.
The issue is transferring the signed coin into the bender. Misdirection and patter cannot conceal
flawed handling. Why do you need to move the signed coin from one hand to the other and then back
again? The audience may be fooled, but they'll smell something rotten rather than being
I purchased this coin bend hoping for an elegant coin bend; it is not that,
even though it is probably the best real-time, signed-coin, coin bending routine. My approach has
been to switch-in a pre-bent coin similar to Morgan Strebler's approach to the problem. In fact,
Strebler's signed coin may be as good as it gets.
Bottom line: save your $100.