Be aware you don't get a direct download you get a few PDF with a link to his Youtube channel! what
is infuriating as well as frustrating is you can't download the tutorial the whole ordeal which
unfortunately I have encounter this situation with other similar downloadable material -It's such a
exasperating experience it drove me to drink a whole pint of Whiskey!I understand the Precautionary
Protocol but let's get with it I would like to have the option of access to my purchased product
in non WiFi
environments !Anyway I believe in supporting the arts & it's creators !Yes it is
Devised & structured with classic standard methodology of course with his own unique perspective ! I
don't care for the B Fold but he dose include an alternate routine without it ! So everyone get
this effect it's well worth it not because I am an American of French
Descent but its a great
concept that can be creatively integrated within the framework of your routines ! I am not a Robot !