If you think you know how this trick is done, you're probably close but not entirely. There's no
extra piece of plastic with a drawing of a circle on it that's slid around to the chosen sign, I'll
say that much. With just a little additional handling it can be fully examined before and after, and
instantly repeated if desired. It's well made. I'd assumed the chart in the wallet was just a blank
card behind a clear plastic wallet sleeve which is written on by the dry-erase. It's much nicer than
that. It's actually a solid dry-erase board that's attached to the wallet. The cards look great and
even have the date ranges on them, in case the spectator isn't sure they can easily find it.
This is very much worth the price. It's attractive, zodiac themed, clever and very well made. Astor
is a very clever gentleman and this trick is a perfect example.