Banachek's lecture is Epic! There's a point halfway in, where the entire audience is so amazed at
what he's teaching and how he breaks the material down, there's like a good 30 seconds of clapping!
Nothing else- just a HUGE applause! Even I while watching the stream, hit the pause button, took a
moment and just thought to myself, "Wow, this guy is a genius!" As a magician, who has been involved
in the community for some time, I often take pride in my creativity and my knowledge. A lot of
things I thought I was doing pretty good, but Banachek takes you by the hand (because that's how it
feels) and he demonstrates, then shows how you can get the most out of what you do by taking it
further. He's not just showing you how to take it a step further, he's literally ripping apart your
performances, then reconstructing not only how you perform, but how you think, how you create
routines, and how you actually live up to the hype. We often say we're the masters of this, and we
can do that. Banachek shows you how you can be every bit of who you say that you are! If it sounds
like I'm rambling, its probably because I am, because no one is supposed to be that good!