Beautifully done and explained. Spell bound expanded.
I was wondering how long the video is and does it offer any other moves than what's in the trailer? This is great routine and I should probably just spend the $10 for the inspiration alone, but I'm actually enjoying figuring it out myself. I guess what I'm asking is, is it super detailed giving advice on hand placements and angles of visibility or is just, "do a classic palm into a s*****e pass" and then move on?
I too am wondering if what is seen on the trailor is what you get from start to finish as the loan efffect or are there other handling/routines?
I contacted Penquin, the running time is 20m. That sounds fair. I would think there would be some advanced insight involved in addition to the sleights used. Even if it does just cover the basicmoves, not everyone may know them and they are all essential to great coinistry. I'm gonna pick it up to support Ricardo. It's a beautifully fluid routine.
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