I see: "PLEASE NOTE: To really get the most out of ICAIS2, it is highly recommended that you read ICAIS1 first." Is that really so? Or can we proceed and "get the talent" with ICAIS2 only :) Because Pinguin has not such ICAIS(1) available anymore... And googling ICAIS can return "International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Systems" or "International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species" or even "The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India" or some 'Fast Study Methodology'... Just name it ;D. Btw... Is there also a short tutorial on how to 'finger snap'? Of course I guess it's not inherent to the method... I also could stomp my feet, but that looks so silly!!! ;D I'll find some youtube somewhere... But I know: Le Val -stuff is always góód, educational and right-to-the-point stuff !