I love any coin trick that uses dollar sized coins because they usually work well for larger crowds.
This includes a nice Morgan replica and a Chinese coin, along with something special. This effect is
fairly straightforward as seen in the video, except there is one move you have to do during
performance that they don't show in the video. It's not quite as hands-off as they make it seem.
It's still a good effect though and a nice upgrade from "Lethal Tender".
It's a nice set, but I disagree that it's an "upgrade" from Steve Dusheck's Lethal Tender. Maybe in size (dollar size vs halves) but IMHO it's inferior in every other way. You can perform the Metamorphosis routine with a Lethal Tender set, but you cannot do the same in reverse. With Dusheck's product, everyone present sees the magic happen - right in front of their eyes. With this, everyone but the spectator with the coin on their hand is pretty much in on the trick as the spectator looks away for a moment - kind of like paper balls over the head.