I love this trick!
I'm glad I got this. For any experienced magician, most of the trick is
pretty obvious how it's done. That said, let me tell you... the final transpo really surprised me!
What a great technique!
Even though most of the trick is a basic technique that most know
(unless you're strictly a card guy or a mentalist), Michael still had lots of great little tips and
subtleties on how to do (and improve) the move. Even though I figured out how it's done the first
time I saw the demo, I did not at all feel like I shouldn't have gotten this. I'm glad I did. After
all, it's not the main moves that makes the magic... they make tricks. The subtle moves and
convincers are what make the magic.
If you're a beginner, you MUST get this. If you're
intermediate, you can probably still benefit from it. Especially with the final transpo. (The final
transpo might also be self explanatory to some... but he alters the move slightly and improves it
from how you might think it's done.) So simple, yet so visual! In fact, if you're brave, you can
even go for a double transpo at the end. He shows you how to do that.
This is a great
impromptu trick (there is a gimmick, but head to the restroom real quick to prepare it. It'll take
like 5 seconds (as long as you have the right tool of course) that is very visual. I love it when I
can do something visual with everyday objects. That makes the magic seem real.
I hadn't
heard of Michael Kaminskas until this video (I looked him up and he does have a Penguin Live
lecture... I might just have to get that one), but I'm relieved to see that Penguin gave him his own
avatar. He deserves it. He's a really good teacher who gives clear instructions. Even though he
taught the basic moves in literally 5 minutes, the video had many tips and a couple alternative
handlings to make this a nice solid download.
Get this!
... and Michael
Kaminskas. Remember that name.
Can the final straw be examined?
Does this come with a video or not?
One says no video while another says great video. Yet another starts out saying, no video but ends the review with, be sure to watch the included video.
So, is there a dvd or a download?
These reviews are great, but can be more confusing than the illusion itself. lol
Darrell, sorry for the confusion. The review was posted when there was no TRAILER for the product.
You definitely get an instructional VIDEO with this product.
Yeah, Darrell, sorry for the confusion... there wasn't a trailer when I did this review. But the instructional video is well worth the price!
And Mr. Vanish, the straw cannot be examined. However, he does explain a handling that will take the heat off the spectator thinking about examining it. Plus, you could always do a switch... When you're done, you could always shove it in your back pocket and then have another waiting back there for when they say, "wait. Can I see the straw." And you can be like, "well yeah sure"... BAM!
Hope that helps. Sorry for any confusion. But just like my name, I'm... sleightly off.
(I wish I could come up with an awesome horrible pun like Acar has the knack of doing.)
By the way, before anyone says anything... I just realized that I used the wrong term in my review... there was no transpo in the trick, as it is an item becoming a different item, not an item actually switching places with another item. Sorry, my bad. I can't think of the proper term, but it's simply a "change" from one color to another, not a transposition.
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