I ordered three different variations of the Modern Flap Card, received them quickly from Penguin
last week. Each Flap Card had the same link to a Taiwan site to go to with a warning to view the
instructions before playing with the flap cards. The link stated it had an instruction video and a
maintenance video - links were not working. After sending a email to Hondo, i.e.(MagicSoul)and
several days later, I was able to view and download two short videos of how the Flap cards work and
maintenance of the cards. Each package came with an extra half card with elastic thread around it
for repairs. There are no additional instructions videos (as mentioned in each add) about MagicSoul
teaching you how to make your own Flap cards. The MagicSoul site does offer to sell a DVD with such
information. The Flap cards are nice, but for the price, where is the additional training and