This is probably one of my favorite tricks to perform. I'd place it in the middle of intermediate to
advanced as it takes a decent amount of practice to not only get the basic moves down but the timing
for performance as well. This isn't your standard pick a card kind of trick. But at the same time,
the super visual effect will blow spectators away. No gaffs or gimmicks needed, just slight of hand.
My one complaint however, is that the teaching in the video is all done using subtitles and video
performance, no instruction with his voice at all. For roughly a few dollars more, Shin's at the
table offers his work on other tricks, Shinsplint included. The only difference is that 2.0 includes
the aces turning back face down while the at the table is all taught through verbal lecture and
performance. If you're a person who has a hard time learning without the magician talking you
through, get his at the table. If not, the instruction and close up shots on 2.0 are better if you
can follow the on screen subtitles and video.