Card presses and card clips are two of the most underrated accessories in all of card work, magic,
and cardistry. They're not so much for protecting the box, but rather keeping your deck flat and
free of click bend warping. The material used in the crystal press is very heavy duty and strong, so
no problems there. All in all, this deck press is top notch in the way that it puts a lot of
pressure and keeps your deck flat. However, one question that you have to ask yourself is whether or
not you'll want a card press or a card clip. They serve the same purpose but each at a price. A
press generally will not reverse warping as fast as a card clip will, but will never lose pressure
since you're tightening it. In terms of card clips, Porper clips specifically are the fastest fix to
warping in decks. Most cheap clips will only protect the box and will not apply enough pressure to
fix click bending. Keep in mind, this is more affordable than a porper clip but you'll need to
re-screw the press each time and let the deck sit for atleast two days. Both work but think about
which you'll be using more!