Cardboard Contortionist - Jay Sankey EFFECT: Two cards are freely selected and signed by the spectators. The cards are then openly torn into quarters. The spectators actually see the magician count the separate quarters. Yet, in an instant, both cards are fully restored and given out for examination! Nothing is added or taken away. Any
In stock. $10.00 $0.01
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Dani DaOrtiz LIVE 3 (Instant Download) One of the most original card magicians in the world reveals just how calculated his unconventional style really is. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. START LEARNING TODAY.
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Free by Think Nguyen (CAAN) (Instant Download) They freely choose ANY card and ANY number. You grab the SHUFFLED BORROWED DECK, count down and THERE IT IS. USE ANY DECK. NO SETUP. INSTANT RESET. A WORKER'S DREAM.
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Pyrotechnic Pasteboards with Gregory Wilson (DVD Download) Forget those mind-numbing, deal down, Uncle Charlie card tricks. This is fast and furious, in-your-face card flaunting! Highly Recommended!!!
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Gold Dust Finale by Paul Gordon - Book This final volume of the best-selling Gold Dust Trilogy contains 63 NEW tricks (as of 2015). Each and every trick is powerful and magical. 128 pages. Top-quality saddle-stitched cloth-covered hardback. Gold Dust Finale contains some real gems. It's been said (on The Magic Cafe) that Killer Mystery C
In stock. $45.00 $36.90
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Gold Dust Companion by Paul Gordon - Book The response to Gold Dust in 2012 was and is truly overwhelming. We received hundreds of letters and emails asking why we didn't include this trick or that trick. Well, it was down to space issues! We were reluctant to do Gold Dust 2, but Gold Dust Companion is really an extension of Gold Dust. The
In stock. $55.00 $45.10
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Solomon's Secrets by David Solomon - Book David Solomon is one of the nation's most prolific card veterans, accumulating fifty three years of questioning and challenging magical thinking-always striving for the most interesting and fooling methods. From the last ten years of publishing more than 100 tricks online, in magazines and in DVDs c
In stock. $60.00 $49.20
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Pip Streak by Gregory Wilson (download + Equipment) Eye-popping, VISUAL Card Magic. Your deck comes to life and the pips start STREAKING across the cards from each and every corner. Doug Conn invented the concept. Gregory Wilson SIMPLIFIED it.
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Studio52 presents The Shift Vol 2 by Ben Earl - Book Studio52 has done it again! The Shift #2 is here! This is the second volume in the series and believe it or not, they have stepped up their game-with even more content and attention to detail than before.The Shift #2 builds on the work in #1 with material to be used entirely 'in-the-hands', with no
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Sankey's Best Street Magic by Jay Sankey (DVD) 20 of Jay's most devastating street magic effects.
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Big Finish trick Sankey Two Mind Boggling Routines With Big Impact!  EFFECT: The magician tries to divine a chosen card, but can only narrow it down to four choices. But, when those cards are turned face up, they form a Jumbo image of the selected card! ORThe magician holds a pack of four cards. A spectator is asked t
In stock. $20.00 $15.60
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In Action Set (Vol 1 thru 3) by Gregory Wilson video DOWNLOAD With snow-capped mountains and plush pine trees as the new L&L backdrop, you'll see people laughing, screaming, losing their breath and simply staring into space from pure astonishment-and that's just from the striking lake view. Greg's magic isn't so bad either. Some of the bonus footage was sh
In stock. $99.95
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Sankey Skutt Sessions by Jay Sankey - DVD Spend some time with two of magic's most seriously twisted minds and learn the secrets behind a jet-fuelled collection of brand new, highly original magic! Featuring 15 wonderfully fresh and extremely powerful effects with coins, playing cards, tea bags, paper napkins, sponge balls, twist ties, jing
Out of stock. $30.00 $23.10
The Casino Con by Steve Gore and Gregory Wilson - Trick The faces of 10 vintage Jokers are shown, then the backs are displayed to be from 10 different casinos that have been demolished. The spectator shuffles the Jokers and lays them on the table. You give them your "lucky" poker chip to hold unseen. They now choose any of the Jokers on the table, and yo
Out of stock. $29.95
1986 control card by T-Ha ( Young Magic ) (Instant Download) sleight of hand with many applications an extremely deceptive control with an ungimmicked deck of cards.
In stock. $3.00
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Principia by Harapan Ong - Book ***Please note: Gaff cards are no longer included. Singapore's Harapan Ong has caused an online sensation with his technical abilities. Videos began to circulate some years ago showing a pair of hands doing extraordinary things. His style is natural, unassuming, and soft. But Aces appear, selections
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La Referencia de Bolsillo del Mago Profesional (Instant Download) La información que no encontrarán en ningún otro sito.
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In a Flash by Jay Sankey The hottest card trick in magic! Ultra visual. Huge reactions every time!!!
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Astral Projection by Jay Sankey A brand new self-working mentalism effect guaranteed to astonish lay people and magicians alike!
Out of stock. $15.00 $12.00
On the Spot with Gregory Wilson (2 Volumes on 1 DVD!) On the Spot is a guerilla course in performing impromptu magic. The material is so strong, you could show up at your next gig with no other magic and still entertain the daylights out of them!!!
Out of stock. $49.95
Public Transit by Jay Sankey The most VISUAL and EASIEST "travelling hole" with a SIGNED card EVER! Highly Recommended!!!
Out of stock. $12.00 $0.52
45 with Jay Sankey (DVD) Learn 45 of the most important, most powerful, huge-reaction getting sleights in all of magic. Highly Recommended!!!
Out of stock. $25.00 $20.00
Transfusion by Jay Sankey A Bloody Good Card Trick. EASY TO DO! Comes With Specially Printed Cards. That's just the half of it. Two tricks in one...
In stock. $13.13
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SANKEY MAGIC CLASSICS SERIES: Sankey 1999 (DVD) Learn 25 extremely original effects plus 4 ADDED BONUS EFFECTS with coins, cards, matches, and drinking straws!
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Sankey Very Much by Jay Sankey (DVD) Learn innovative sleights and an exciting collection of original close-up plots with cards, rubber bands, sugar packets, pool chalk and even band-aids!
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Private Property by Jay Sankey This KILLER mentalism gimmick will keep an EYE on the pack no matter where you're looking! Highly Recommended!
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Jay Sankey's FIRESTARTERS (DVD) The Real Secrets to Getting Dates with Close-Up Magic & Mentalism.
Out of stock. $30.00 $24.00
Gregory Wilson JAM PACK (LIMITED QTY) LIMITED TIME OFFER "In Action" PLUS "PIP STREAK" - A practical and MASSIVE collection of miracles you can do anywhere with minimal setup.
Out of stock. $135.00 $79.95
Blockbuster by Jay Sankey (DVD) Make a serious impact with Blockbuster. Rough and rugged, create an ULTRA-memorable magic moment.
Out of stock. $40.00 $30.00
Out of stock. $15.00
Single Ambition trick Sankey Jay Sankey`sSingle Ambition A Visually Stunning And Eerie Effect!EFFECT: Your audience will be stunned when the ink off the face of a selected card is seen to VISIBLY MELT up through the card and become permanently adhered to the BACK of a card! This of course leaves the face of the card totally bla
In stock. $15.00 $11.70
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Lightning Bolt by Jay Sankey A signed card is slowly inserted in the middle of the deck, only to reappear on top a moment later! This is repeated, and each time the signed card appears back on top. You even try to get rid of the signed card, Finally, you explain, "You might be amazed by the fact that the card keeps coming to th
In stock. $15.00 $11.70
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Jay Sankey LIVE (DVD) Jay Sankey shared TONS of real-world usable magic AND some killer theory in this 3 hour live event. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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At the Table Live Lecture Xavior Spade - DVD Our April 2016 line up starts with one of New York's finest card handlers, Xavior Spade. If you haven't yet heard of him, your mind will be instantly changed when you see Xavior's proficiency with a deck. Co-Founder of Lost Art Magic and Sleight of hand teacher, Xavior is best known for his unbeliev
Out of stock. $9.95 $4.98
Quidnunc by Paul Gordon - Book The highly-acclaimed Quidnunc contains 115 powerful card magic routines and 300 jam-packed pages, with hundreds of photos and a sleights section. The book is beautiful hardback. Stitched pages, gold foil embossed with attractive head and tail bands. The tricks are workable, doable, commercial and ey
In stock. $59.95 $49.16
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Article 52 by Paul Gordon - Book Well, I know I said Quidnunc was to be my last book, but I just couldn't help myself! The last two years have been really creative ones for me and the result is Article 52. Excuse immodesty, but it really is chock-full of killers! Article 52 includes my new handling of my Head To Head Poker (from Go
In stock. $45.00 $36.90
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Second Form By Nick Vlow and Sergey Koller Produced by Shin Lim - DVD Second form is a collection of 15 modern thoughts in card magic focused on visual and practical applications. Here you will find completely new ideas and reassembled classical moves for your performances. Nick Vlow & Sergey Koller go into great detail on the moves and motivation surrounding thes
Out of stock. $14.95
The Vault - 3DM by Mike Hankins video DOWNLOAD An EXTREMELY visual color change. A VERY deceptive switch. A SEAMLESS card control. All for the price of 1. This is 3DM! 3DM (3 Deceptive Moves), is a collection of sleights from the creative mind of Mike Hankins. These sleights have been in Mike's working repertoire for close to 10 years, and now h
In stock. $9.95
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Gold Dust by Paul Gordon - Book Gold Dust was four years in the making and was released in 2012. It's Paul Gordon's very best writing, very best production and very best magic. It's a big book! Each and every trick really is a startler! This is the very best of Paul's thirty-five years of creating; and all under one great-looking,
Out of stock. $69.95 $53.86
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